
Sap Information Design Tool Training

SAP Training for BusinessObjects Software

sap-businessobjects-trainingWe provide a number of training courses for SAP BusinessObjects software tools. Our training is provided in multiple formats to accommodate busy schedules, including classroom training, webinar training, seminars and alternative instruction computer based training (CBT).

Training courses include report design, universe design, admin & security, servers, information design tool, platform & transform, dashboard design, data quality services and more. You can view all available BusinessObjects courses offered by our team below or also view our Crystal Reports training.

SAP BusinessObjects Training Courses

Healthcare EHR Training Bundle with SovSystems

This bundle is specially designed with Healthcare EHR users in mind. If you currently possess healthcare systems by Epic, Cerner and McKesson, this specialized healthcare training bundle will help unlock the full potential of a tool you already have as part of your EHR system: SAP BusinessObjects.

Courses Included:

1. Delta Course


While Web Intelligence 4.1 functionality is very similar to Web Intelligence 3.1, the significant difference is the application interface. In addition, WebIntelligence 4.1 has new functionality designed to enhance your data analysis and business intelligence activities. This workshop is designed to familiarize you to the new interface and introduce these new functions and features as you upgrade from version 3.1 to 4.1 of the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform. It will include presentation, explanation and system demonstrations by the instructor; there will be a focus on hands-on activities.

Topics Covered:

  • Preview Data
  • Ribbon Options
  • Context Menus
  • Drag-and-Drop functionality
  • Application Modes -Data Mode -Reading Mode -Design Mode
  • Freeze Columns
  • New options in the formula editor
  • Grouping Data
  • New Predefined Cells
  • Element Linking
  • New Charting Engine
  • Direct Connectivity to SAP BW BEx Queries

2. SAP Lumira 1.0


SAP Lumira helps you gather, analyze, and present the facts to solve your most pressing business questions for any line of business. In this 1-day classroom training, you will learn how to create stunning and interactive visualizations by choosing a rich library of visualization types, ranging from scatter plots, heat and geo maps to tag clouds, box plots and network charts. Then you will learn how to share your findings with others through engaging infographics and storyboards.


  • Explain SAP Lumira
  • Create documents and acquire data
  • Prepare datasets
  • Visualize data
  • Share stories

Intended Audience:

  • Application consultants
  • Business Analyst
  • Executive
  • Technology Consultant
  • User


  • Getting started
  • Acquiring data
  • Preparing the dataset.
  • Visualizing data
  • Sharing your story

3. Webi Bundle (See description below on this page)

4. Universe Bundle (See description below on this page)

5. Admin Bundle (See description below on this page)

6. Crystal Bundle (Click Here to View Description on the Crystal Reports Training Page)

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BusinessObjects 3.0: Universe Design (BOU310)

This three-day instructor led course is designed to give learners the comprehensive skills needed to design, build and maintain BusinessObjects 6.5, BusinessObjects XI R1/R2 and BusinessObjects XI 3.0 universes.

Duration: 3 Days

  • SQL and relational database management systems concepts and structures
  • Familiarity with the type of data and the logical structure of the databases in their organization.
  • Familiarity with BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report building.

Objectives: Learn to understand universe design concepts and terminology, as well as the roles of universes in relation to BusinessObjects reporting tools.

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding BusinessObjects Universes
    • Define BusinessObjects universe concepts
    • Use the Universe Development Cycle
  • Creating the Course Universe
    • Describe the course database and universe
    • Create the course universe
  • Building the Universe Structure
    • Populate the universe structure.
    • Define joins in a universe.
  • Creating Dimension Objects
    • Describe classes and objects
    • Create classes and objects
  • Creating Measure Objects
    • Define measure objects concepts
    • Create measure objects concepts
    • Create delegated measure objects
  • Resolving loops in a Universe
    • Understand loops
    • Resolve loops using aliases
    • Resolve loops using contexts
  • Resolving SQL Traps
    • Understand SQL traps and universes
    • Resolve fan traps
    • Resolve chasm traps
  • Applying Restrictions on Objects
    • Restrict the data returned by objects
  • Using @Functions on Objects
    • Use @ Functions.
  • Using Hierarchies
    • Work with hierarchies
  • Using Lists of Values
    • Create a lists of values
    • Work with LOVs in Universe Designer
    • Creating a cascading LOV
  • Creating Derived Tables and Indexes
    • Using derived tables
    • Applying index awareness
  • Linking Universes
    • Understand linked universes
    • Create links between universes
  • Applying Universe Access Restrictions
    • Set access restrictions on a universe.
  • Managing Universes
    • Document universes
    • Deploy universes
    • Maintain universes
    • Deploy universes in multiple languages

Certification Applicability: This course is not applicable to any certification.

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BusinessObjects 3.0: Advanced Universe Design (BOU320)

This two-day instructor led advanced course is designed to give learners the comprehensive skills needed to design universes in BusinessObjects Designer.

Duration: 2 Days


  • The metadata and logical structure of the databases in your organization
  • BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report building
  • Using the BusinessObjects Universe Designer
  • The BusinessObjects Central Management Console
  • Using and working with SQL and relational database management systems concepts and structures

Objectives: Learn best-practice methodology for creating universes that respond to your reporting requirements. Through well-designed universes, report designers and business users will be able to create reports without having to know anything about the underlying data source or structure.

Topics Covered:

  • Reviewing Universe Design Concepts
    • Use your universe design and BusinessObjects Universe Designer knowledge to solve business problems
  • Working with Aggregate Awareness
    • Define aggregate awareness
    • Apply aggregate awareness to objects
  • Designing Advanced Objects
    • Combine database functions in objects
    • Construct relative date-time objects
    • Work with analytic functions
  • Creating Complex Predefined Conditions, LOVs and Joins
    • Create complex predefined conditions
    • Work with advanced LOVs
    • Work with advanced join systems
  • Securing Universes
    • Define connection and user credential parameters
    • work with Central Management Server (CMS) universe security
  • Implementing Universe Life Cycle Management
    • Move content from development to production
  • Maintaining and Optimizing Universes
    • Optimize universes
    • Apply foreign key index awareness
    • Apply best practices for universe design
  • Creating Universes from Other Data Sources
    • Create a universe from an XML metadata file
    • Create stored procedure and JavaBeans universes
    • Work with OLAP universes

Certification Applicability: This course is not applicable to any certification.

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BusinessObjects Webi 3.0: Report Design (BOW310)

The target audience for this course is report designers who need to access and analyze information using InfoView and Web Intelligence.

Duration: 2 Days

Description: This two-day instructor-led course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed to access, analyze and share data using BusinessObjects™ InfoView™ and BusinessObjects Web Intelligence™.

During this course, you'll learn how to organize, manage and distribute documents using InfoView You'll also learn how to create Web Intelligence documents for your reporting needs, to retrieve data by building queries using BusinessObjects universes and to use Web Intelligence to enhance documents for easier analysis.

Prerequisites: None

Objectives: After taking this course, you will be able to efficiently and effectively manage personal and corporate documents to access the information you need, when you need it. You will be able to design your own reports using Web Intelligence and share your analysis with other users.

Topics Covered:

  • Introducing Web Intelligence
    • Describing Web Intelligence concepts
    • Explaining Web Intelligence core functionality
    • Describing Web Intelligence and BusinessObjects Enterprise
  • Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries
    • Querying with Web Intelligence
    • Creating a new document
    • Modifying a document's query
    • Working with query properties
  • Restricting Data Returned by a Query
    • Restricting data with query filters
    • Modifying a query with a predefined query filter
    • Applying a single-value query filter
    • Using wildcards in query data
    • Using prompts to restrict data
    • Using complex filters
  • Designing Web Intelligence Reports
    • Working with Web Intelligence documents
    • Displaying data in tables and charts
    • Creating tables
    • Working with tables
    • Presenting data in free-standing cells
    • Presenting data in charts
  • Enhancing the Presentation of Data in Reports
    • Using breaks and calculations
    • Using sorts
    • Formatting breaks and cross tabs
    • Using report filters
    • Ranking data to see top or bottom values
    • Tracking data changes
    • Using alerters to highlight information
    • Organizing a report into sections
    • Copying data to other applications
  • Formatting Reports
    • Preparing documents
    • Formatting charts
  • Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables
    • Explaining formulas and variables
    • Using formulas and variables
  • Using Multiple Data Sources
    • Synchronizing data from multiple data sources
    • Creating multiple queries in a document
    • Synchronizing data with merged dimensions
    • Using a personal data provider
  • Analyzing Data
    • Analyzing the data cube
    • Drilling in Web Intelligence documents
    • Setting Web Intelligence drill options
  • Managing and Sharing Web Intelligence Documents
    • Exporting documents to the CMS
    • Logging into InfoView
    • Managing documents in InfoView
    • Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoView
    • Sharing Web Intelligence documents
    • Setting InfoView preferences
    • Describing Web Intelligence report panels
    • Logging off from InfoView

Certification Applicability: This course is not applicable to any certification.

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BusinessObjects Webi 3.0: Advanced Report Design (BOW320)

The target audience for this course is Report Designers who are experienced Web Intelligence users and who need to create complex Web Intelligence documents.

Duration: 2 Days

Description: This two-day instructor-led course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills needed to apply alternative query and reporting techniques when creating complex Web Intelligence documents. After completing this course, you will be able to create combined queries and use sub-queries. You will also be able to use character and date string functions, create variables using "If" logic, redefine calculation contexts, and create hyperlinks in your documents using Web Intelligence dialog boxes.

Prerequisites: BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 3.0: Report Design or equivalent knowledge.

Topics Covered:

  • Reviewing Web Intelligence Core Report Design
    • Reviewing Web Intelligence core report design
  • Working with Advanced Query Techniques
    • Using combined queries
    • Using subqueries
    • Creating a query based on another query
    • Changing data sources
  • Working with Calculation Contexts
    • Understanding calculation contexts
    • Redefining calculation contexts
  • Creating Formulas with Character and Date String Functions
    • Using character string functions
    • Concatenating different data types
    • Using date functions
  • Using If Logic
    • Using if () to group data
    • Using the If () function to modify calculation behavior
    • Using IF/ELSEIF
  • Working with Additional Reporting Techniques
    • Using data tracking
    • Using additional report functions
  • Creating Hyperlinks
    • Working with hyperlinks in Web Intelligence documents
    • Creating hyperlinks in the Interactive HTML panel
    • Creating hyperlinks in the Web Intelligence Rich Client and Java Report Panel

Certification Applicability: This course is not applicable to any certification.

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Webi Bundle

Includes the following Courses:

(BOW310) BusinessObjects Webi 3.0: Report Design I

(BOW320) BusinessObjects Webi 3.0: Advanced Report Design

Purchasing any training bundle allows your organization to receive all included courses at a reduced cost and gain additional on-site support for a longer period of time. All bundles are designed to teach all of the included courses within 5 days.

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BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.0: Admin & Security (BOE310)

The target audience for this course is system architects/administrators who are new to BusinessObjects Enterprise and will be responsible for maintaining BusinessObjects Enterprise users, groups, and objects in their organization.

Duration: 2 Days

Description: This two-day instructor-led course explains how to perform the tasks in the Central Management Console (CMC). These tasks involve supporting BusinessObjects Enterprise users and groups so they can access corporate data through the web portal in BusinessObjects Enterprise. This corporate data can take the form of Crystal Reports, BusinsessObjects Web Intelligence, or Desktop Intelligence documents, Voyager workspaces, program objects, object packages and popular third-party objects such as Microsoft Word and Excel files, among others. Please note: this course does not discuss maintaining BusinessObjects Enterprise servers which is taught in the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0: Administering Servers – Windows course.

The business benefit of this course is that it provides a foundation for system architects/administrators to effectively manage both users and content on the BusinessObjects Enterprise platform.

This course was developed based on the product availability of Java only. A course addendum and future revision will reflect any changes in functionality or new features introduced in .NET.

BusinessObjects Edge Series XI 3.0

Note: This course also applies to you if you are a system administrator for BusinessObjects Edge Series. Any product differences between BusinessObjects Edge and BusinessObjects Enterprise are outlined within the course so you understand which areas do not apply to your deployment. A document with more information about these differences and how this course applies to you is included on the resource CD.

Prerequisites (recommended, though NOT required):

  • Windows conventions
  • Familiarity with Windows Server 2000/2003 administration
  • Windows server 2000/2003 security concepts (global/local groups, and directory structure)

Topics Covered:

  • What is BusinessObjects Enterprise?
    • Describe BusinessObjects Enterprise
    • Use InfoView and the Central Management Console to view content
    • Configure the Central Management Console
    • Describe the BusinessObjects Enterprise Architecture
  • Managing BusinessObjects Enterprise Content
    • Add objects to the Repository
    • Manipulate objects in BusinessObjects Enterprise
  • Securing BusinessObjects Enterprise Content
    • Create users, groups, folders and categories
    • Understand the BusinessObjects Enterprise security model
    • Describe guidelines for planning security
  • Application Security
    • Secure BusinessObjects Enterprise applications
  • Scheduling Content
    • Schedule objects
    • Schedule with business calendars
    • Manage instances
  • Publishing and Publications
    • Publish personalized reports and documents to multiple recipients
    • Describe the process of publishing personalized reports to dynamic recipients
    • Manage profiles
  • Federation
    • Define Federation
    • Describe the workflows necessary to replicate content across a remote connection

Applicable Certification: This course is a core course in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Certified Professional certification.

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BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.0: Admin Servers (BOE320)

The target audience for this course is system architects/administrators who are responsible for setting up and maintaining a BusinessObjects Enterprise platform.

Duration: 3 Days

Description: This three-day instructor-led course explains and demonstrates what each server component in BusinessObjects Enterprise does and how it is configured. You will install and configure each component and learn how information flows from server to server for system processes such as logging on the system, scheduling reports, and viewing reports. You will learn to use the Central Management Console (CMC) and the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) to manage and configure the servers and will also practice troubleshooting system problems when they arise.

The business benefit of this course is that it provides a foundation for system architects/administrators who are responsible for administering servers on the BusinessObjects Enterprise platform.

This course was developed based on the product availability of Java only. A course addendum and future revision will reflect any changes in functionality or new features introduced in .NET.

BusinessObjects Edge Series XI 3.0

Note: This course also applies to you if you are a system administrator for BusinessObjects Edge Series. Any product differences between BusinessObjects Edge and BusinessObjects Enterprise are outlined within the course so you understand which areas do not apply to your deployment. A document with more information about these differences and how this course applies to you is included on the resource CD.


  • BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0: Administration and Security
  • Tasks involved in supporting BusinessObjects Enterprise users and groups access
  • Corporate data through InfoView
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise account management
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise content management
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise security concepts
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView
  • NT enterprise security concepts (global & local groups, and directory structure)

Topics Covered:

  • Preparing, Installing and Configuring BusinessObjects Enterprise
    • Explain how to prepare, install and configure BusinessObjects Enterprise
    • Test BusinessObjects Enterprise once it is installed
    • Verify what updates were applied to the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation (Post Install Maintenance)
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise Architecture
    • Describe the BusinessObjects Enterprise architecture
    • Describe the BusinessObjects Enterprise components
    • Explain the information process flows in BusinessObjects Enterprise
  • Performing Common Server Management Tasks
    • Describe the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) to manage servers
    • Describe the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA)
    • Describe the Central Management Console (CMC) to manage servers
  • Managing the Web Application Services
    • Understand the web application services
    • Configure the Java Web Application Server
    • Deploy BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications using wdeploy
  • Managing the Central Management Server and the System Database
    • Use the Central Management Server
    • Migrate and backup the CMS system data
    • Manage auditing
    • Describe authentication and single sign-on
    • Map third-party accounts to BusinessObjects Enterprise
  • Managing the File Repository Servers
    • Use the File Repository Servers
    • Configure the File Repository Servers
    • Use the Repository Diagnostic Tool
  • Managing the Web Intelligence Servers
    • Describe the role of Web Intelligence servers
    • Configure the Web Intelligence servers
    • Describe how document viewing requests are processed by the Web Intelligence servers
    • Describe how scheduling requests are processed by the Web Intelligence servers
  • Managing the Crystal Reports Server
    • Use the Crystal Reports Server
    • Configure the Crystal Reports Job Server
    • Configure the List of Values (LOV) Job Server and LOV objects
    • Configure the Crystal Reports Cache Servers
    • Configure the Crystal Reports Processing Server
    • Configure the Report Application Server
    • Set and run a schedule for a report
  • Managing the Desktop Intelligence Server
    • Configure the Desktop Intelligence Job Server
    • Configure the Desktop Intelligence Processing Server
    • Configure the Desktop Intelligence Cache Server
    • Configure the Connection Server
  • Managing the Adaptive Servers
    • Describe the role of the Adaptive Job Server
    • Describe the role of the Adaptive Processing Server
    • Configure the different types of Adaptive Servers
  • Managing the Event Servers
    • Understand events in the BusinessObjects Enterprise
    • Configure the Event Server
  • Managing the Program Job Servers
    • Use the Program Job Server
    • Configure the Program Job Server
    • Describe how scheduled programs are processed
  • Managing the Destination Job Servers
    • Use the Destination Job Server
    • Configure the Destination Job Server
    • Set a schedule to send an object or instance to a destination
  • Troubleshooting BusinessObjects Enterprise
    • Use best practices when troubleshooting
    • Use a strategic troubleshooting method

Certification Applicability: This course is a core course in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Certified Professional certification.

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Admin Bundle

Includes the following Courses:

(BOE310) BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.0: Admin & Security

(BOE320) BusinessObjects 3.0: Admin Servers

Purchasing any training bundle allows your organization to receive all included courses at a reduced cost and gain additional on-site support for a longer period of time. All bundles are designed to teach all of the included courses within 5 days.

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BusinessObjects 3.0: Information Design Tool (BOID10)

This course is intended for Data Managers, Project Managers, Report Designers, SAP BusinessObjects BI platform System Administrators and SAP BusinessObjects BI Consultants.

Duration: 3 Days

Description: Give you the comprehensive skills needed to work with the Information Design Tool. The Information Design Tool enables designers to extract, define, and manipulate meta data from relational and OLAP sources to create and deploy SAP BusinessObjects universes. In this course you learn how to use data from different source systems with the SAP BusinessObjects BI client tools.

Course Objectives: After completing this course, you will be able to create a meta data environment with the SAP BusinessObjects Information Design Tool.


  • Working knowledge of SQL and relational, also OLAP database management systems concepts and structures
  • Basic knowledge of in reporting with SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
  • Basic knowledge of the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse platform and BEx Query Designer

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to the Information Design Tool
    • What is the Information Design Tool?
    • Introduction to Resources and Workflows
    • Create a Local Project
  • Creating the Data Foundation
    • What Is a Connection
    • Creating a Data Foundation
    • Defining Joins
    • Create a Data Foundation and Insert Tables
  • Creating a Business Layer
    • Describing Folders And Objects
    • Create a Business Layer
    • Creating Measure Objects
    • Create and Test Measure Objects
      Create a Delegated Measure
  • Resolving Loops in a Universe
    • Understanding Loops
    • Use Aliases to Resolve Loops
    • Resolving Loops Using Contexts
    • Use Contexts to Resolve Loops
  • Applying Restrictions
    • Defining Data Restrictions
    • Apply Restrictions
  • Using List of Values and Parameters
    • Creating a List of Values
    • Understanding Parameters
    • Use List of Values and Parameters
  • Using @functions with Objects
    • Understanding @functions
    • Use @functions
  • Using Navigation Paths
    • Navigation Path
    • Create a Navigation Path
  • Creating Derived Tables and Indexes
    • Using Derived Tables
    • Applying Key Awareness
    • Use Derived Tables
    • Set up Index Awareness
  • Managing Universes
    • Deploying and Managing and Maintaining Universes
    • Exercise 14: Publish and Secure a Universe Maintaining a Universe

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BusinessObjects 3.0: Advanced Information Design Tool (BOID20)

This course is intended for Data Managers, Project Managers, SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform System Administrators and SAP BusinessObjects BI Consultants.

Duration: 3 Days

Description: The Information Design Tool enables designers to extract, define, and manipulate meta data from relational and OLAP sources to create and deploy SAP BusinessObjects universes. In this course you learn the more advanced features of working with the Information Design Tool, including resolving SQL Traps, using the @AggregateAware function, creating universes from different sources, deploying universes in multiple languages, and managing and optimizing universes.


  • Working knowledge of SQL and relational, also OLAP database management systems concepts and structures
  • Basic knowledge of in reporting with SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
  • Completion of the BOID10 course

Recommended Knowledge:

  • Completion of the BOW310 course or a working knowledge of Web Intelligence application

Topics Covered:

  • SQL Traps
    • Understanding SQL Traps and Universes
    • Detecting and Resolving Chasm Traps
    • Detecting and Resolving Fan Traps
  • Aggregate Awareness
    • Defining Aggregate Awareness
  • Advanced Use of the @Aggregate_Aware Function
    • Advanced Use of @AggregateAware
    • Using @AggregateAware to Resolve a 2-Table Fan Trap
    • Using @AggregateAware to Resolve an Ambiguous Outer Join
  • Creating Universes from Different Data Sources
    • Creating Universes from Different Data Sources
    • Creating an OLAP Universe
    • Creating a Multisource Universe
  • Deploying Universes in Different Languages
    • Using the Translation Management Tool
  • Managing and Optimizing Universes
    • Managing a Universe with Data Foundation and
    • Business Layer Views
    • Working with a Shared Project
    • Optimizing the Universe

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Universe Bundle

Includes the following Courses:

(BOID10) BusinessObjects 3.0: Information Design Tool

(BOID20) BusinessObjects 3.0: Advanced Information Design Tool

Purchasing any training bundle allows your organization to receive all included courses at a reduced cost and gain additional on-site support for a longer period of time. All bundles are designed to teach all of the included courses within 5 days.

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BusinessObjects Data Services: Platform & Transforms (BODS10)

This course is intended for Solution Consultants responsible for implementing data integration projects and power users responsible for implementing, administering, and managing data integration projects.

Duration: 3 Days

Description: SAP BusinessObjects™ Data Integrator 4.0 enables you to integrate disparate data sources to deliver more timely and accurate data that end users in an organization can trust. In this three-day course, you will learn about creating, executing, and troubleshooting batch jobs; using functions, scripts and transforms to change the structure and formatting of data; handling errors; and capturing changes in data. As a business benefit, by being able to create efficient data integration projects, you can use the transformed data to help improve operational and supply chain efficiencies, enhance customer relationships, create new revenue opportunities, and optimize return on investment from enterprise applications.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) of data processes

Topics Covered:

  • Defining Data Services
    • Defining Data Services
  • Defining Source and Target Metadata
    • Defining Datastores in Data Services
    • Defining Data Services System Configurations
    • Defining a Data Services Flat File Format
    • Defining Datastore Excel File Format
  • Creating Batch Jobs
    • Creating Batch Jobs
  • Troubleshooting Batch Jobs
    • Setting Traces and Adding Annotations
    • Using the Interactive Debugger
    • Setting up and Using the Auditing Feature
  • Using Functions, Scripts and Variables
    • Using Built-In Functions
    • Using Variables, Parameters and Scripts
  • Using Platform Transforms
    • Using Platform Transforms
    • Using the Map Operation Transform
    • Using the Validation Transform
    • Using the Merge Transform
    • Using the Case Transform
    • Using the SQL Transform
  • Setting Up Error Handling
    • Setting Up Error Handling
  • Capturing Changes in Data
    • Capturing Changes in Data
    • Using Source-Based Change Data Capture (CDC)
    • Using Target-Based Change Data Capture (CDC)
  • Using Text Data Processing
    • Using the Entity Extraction Transform
  • Using Data Services (Integrator) Platform Transforms
    • Using Data Services (Integrator) Platform Transforms
    • Using the Pivot Transform
    • Using the Data Transfer Transform and Performance Optimization

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BusinessObjects Data Quality Services 4.0 (BODS30)

This course is intended for consultants and project team members responsible for implementing data quality projects, as well as customer users responsible for administering and managing data quality projects.

Duration: 2 Days

Description: SAP BusinessObjects Data Quality enables you to parse, cleanse, standardize, consolidate, and enhance records. In this two-day course, you will learn about cleansing address and firm data, and match and consolidate records. As a business benefit, by being able to create efficient data quality projects, you can use the transformed data to help improve operational and supply chain efficiencies, enhance customer relationships, create new revenue opportunities, and optimize return on investment from enterprise applications.


  • Thorough knowledge of ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) data processes
  • Thorough knowledge of defining source and target metadata in the SAP BusinessObjects Designer
  • Thorough knowledge of creating batch jobs
  • Thorough knowledge of using functions, scripts, and variables
  • Thorough knowledge of using Data Integrator Platform transforms

Topics Covered:

  • Describing Data Services
    • Defining Data Services
  • Using Data Quality Transforms
    • Data Quality Transforms
  • Using Address Cleanse Transforms
    • Using the Address Cleanse Transforms
  • Using Data Cleanse Transforms
    • Using the Data Cleanse Transform
  • Matching and Consolidating Data
    • Using the Match Wizard
    • Configuring the Match Transform
    • Performing Post-Match Processing
    • Consolidating Matching Records
    • Using Advanced Match Strategies

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BusinessObjects Dashboard Design - formerly Xcelsius Enterprise (BOX310)

This course is designed for inexperienced BusinessObjects Dashboard Design (formerly Xcelcius Enterprise) users who need to acquire proficiency with building interactive visualization based on Microsoft Excel workbooks.

Duration: 2 Days

Description: This two-day instructor-led course is designed provide learners with an understanding of how to create interactive visualizations based on Microsoft Excel workbooks using BusinessObjects Dashboard Design (formerly Xcelsius Enterprise 2008).

Prerequisites: Microsoft Excel (recommended)

Objectives: Users with data in Microsoft Excel workbooks will learn to quickly create visualizations and dashboards with minimal effort.

Topics Covered:

  • Creating a Model
    • Producing interactive visualizations of your data
    • Getting around in Xcelsius
    • Working with your Excel workbook
    • Visualizing data with charts
    • Using Xcelsius Components
    • Distributing your Xcelsius Visualization
    • Applying best practices for designing models
  • Formatting a Model
    • Applying formatting options
    • Using themes and templates to apply formatting
  • Adding Interactivity to a Model
    • Using selectors
    • Adding dynamic visibility
    • Troubleshooting
  • Creating a Connected Model
    • Using live data sources
    • Connecting to XML Data
    • Connecting to data using an existing Web Service
    • Connecting to Crystal Reports data
    • Connecting to BusinessObjects Universes using Query as a Web Service
    • Using Live Office data
    • Using other connectivity components

Certification Applicability: This course is not part of any certifications.

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Sap Information Design Tool Training


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