
Who Are The Animal Farm Characters In Real Life

This summer marks the 7th anniversary of George Orwell's Brute Subcontract, his endlessly insightful allegorical tale inspired past Soviet Russia. While his analytical wisdom is the stuff of literary legend, less well known is the fact that his farmyard shows off the writer'due south surprising get-go-hand cognition of existent farm life, as Julie Harding explains.

'I saw a piddling boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a huge cart-equus caballus along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to plough. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their force we should have no power over them.'

When George Orwell wrote this passage in his preface to the Ukrainian edition of Beast Subcontract in 1947, explaining the genesis of his emblematic novella, the volume had already been read in Great britain and beyond for near two years.

Animal Farm would become Orwell's first commercial success and the ane that would brainstorm to cement his reputation as a literary giant. He would follow it with his dystopian Nineteen Eighty-Four, a novel he wrote when isolated from the residuum of the earth on the Hebridean island of Jura, dying of tuberculosis.

Animate being Farm'south path to the bookshops was strewn with obstacles. Several publishing houses shied away from the scathing satire on the Soviet Union, Britain's wartime marry — a political 'irish potato' that was style too hot to handle as the writer pulled the terminal sheet of manuscript paper from his typewriter in 1944, with VE Solar day and the erection of the Atomic number 26 Drapery just around the corner. Nevertheless, when Fredric Warburg ran with information technology, the public purchased in their droves, the first edition of four,500 copies apparently selling out inside days.

The get-go edition of George Orwell's Animal Farm, published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalin era in the Soviet Union.

This public was beguiled by Animal Farm'due south moral fable — with echoes of Aesop and political-allegory parallels to Gulliver's Travels — in which a bunch of animals, led by a sus scrofa (Old Major), stages a peaceful coup, overthrowing Farmer Jones, just subsequently living far from happily ever after as another grunter (Napoleon), who takes control of the farm republic, becomes ever more nefarious and merciless in his exploitation of the other livestock.

In the ensuing decades since its publication, Animal Farm has become a standard school text, with subsequent generations familiar with Orwell'due south readable, jaunty prose manner, 'subconscious' meanings and the animals' alter-egos.

A scene from the 1950s film version of Animal Subcontract. Credit: ullstein bild via Getty Images

Animal Farm might have been consigned to the dusty attics of history long ago had Orwell's rendering of his creature protagonists not been so on point and credible — the sheep lemming-like, the pigs intelligent and meridian of the pecking society and the aged ass, Benjamin, stubborn and knowing.

They are rooted in Orwell's real farming experiences and they demonstrate his profound and deep-seated understanding of animal character traits, behaviour and husbandry requirements. 'Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw… He was twelve years onetime and had lately grown rather stout, but he was still a majestic-looking sus scrofa, with a wise and benevolent advent in spite of the fact that his tushes had never been cut,' Orwell writes with a farmer's knowledge at the beginning of the book.

'My father was very observant of everything, and would quite quickly absorb the various characteristics of farm animals and subsequently pigeonhole them in his mind every bit to how clever or not they appeared to be,' reflects Richard Blair, the son Orwell (real proper name Eric Arthur Blair) adopted aged three weeks in 1944, with his wife, Eileen.

'I guess in Brute Subcontract, he started with the pigs and placed the animals in descending order as he saw them.'

Credit: ullstein bild via Getty Images

According to Mr Blair — and also D. J. Taylor, who wrote the prize-winning biography Orwell: The Life — Orwell'southward fascination with Nature and the animal world was sparked in babyhood and remained undimmed up to his death in 1950. When he was young, he would explore the countryside effectually the family habitation in semi-rural Shiplake, near Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, where the sights, sounds and smells of the farmyard would take been all around.

Horses played a part in his life. Living in Burma during the 1920s, Orwell would have observed them at close quarters, both as a way of transport and in his role in the Indian Imperial Police force, connections that helped his equine portraits to sparkle with life. He writes fondly of the equus caballus in Animal Farm:

'Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly 18 hands high, and as strong as whatsoever two ordinary horses put together. A white stripe down his olfactory organ gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate intelligence, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of grapheme and tremendous powers of piece of work.'

Between 1936 and 1940, Orwell famously lived at The Stores in the Hertfordshire village of Wallington, where he introduced livestock into his everyday life.

George Orwell's erstwhile home, 'The Stores' at Wallington, Hertfordshire.

'The Stores was where Orwell was able to put into practice his accumulated noesis of gardening and, as there was a lilliputian ground for livestock, he began to bring in chickens, for eggs and for ultimately eating,' remembers Mr Blair. 'He had a fondness for goats as he preferred goats' milk to cows'.

'Was he successful every bit a smallholder? Well, I think we have to agree that he was no professional, but very much in the category of an enthusiastic amateur. He was oft given tips by the local people on how to perform physical tasks, such as double earthworks, how to make shelter for the chickens and fertiliser for his vegetables.'

In a rare and iconic picture, Orwell is in the garden at The Stores, crouching downwardly submissively, feed bowl in hand, shut to his goat Muriel. At the moment Dennis Collings clicked the photographic camera button, she turned her horned head abroad from her possessor.

'My father was very addicted of Muriel and, snakes notwithstanding [Orwell one time slit open up an adder from head to tail], he was very fond of all his animals and I retrieve that he had cracking empathy with them. His were all well looked after, but he was of that generation where they were also a source of food. He could be pragmatic about animals that could be slaughtered and eaten, such as chickens, geese, lambs and pigs. He saw no conflict in this regard.'

Manor Farm, Wallington, which George Orwell used equally the real-world footing for 'Animal Farm'.

Muriel is the presumed precursor of her namesake in Animal Farm, a literate white goat, merely Orwell expends far more words to describe the real animal in his letters and diaries than he does the fictional one in his novella. His diary entry of May 31, 1939 runs:

'Yard's mating no practiced. When bringing her back found she had not been milked since taking her there (ie, 48 hours) and her udders were very distended. Milked her and obtained a quart.'

The diaries likewise brand all-encompassing references to his hens and their egg-laying capabilities. Seventeen laid on May 31, for example, and 'sold 50 at 2/- a score'. '[Orwell'south domestic diaries] offer crucial insights about his personality, his literary way, his dearest of the elementary life, his emphasis on the constant struggle to run across clearly "what is in front of i's nose",' writes The Orwell Gild chair Prof Richard Keeble on world wide

Mr Taylor, who has been working on new disquisitional introductions to all half dozen of Orwell's books (copyright expires this twelvemonth) as well as compiling Orwell: The New Life, set for publication in 2023, adds: 'Orwell's relationship with animals was really quite intense. After Eileen died, a friend complimented him on the care he took of Richard, and Orwell said: "Well, I've e'er been skillful with animals." He also said "some of my all-time experiences have been with animals".'

Orwell obviously gleaned much of his animal-husbandry knowledge from his voracious reading of Smallholder magazine, to which he subscribed. He would snip tips from the pages and stick them in his diaries. Agricultural periodical Farmer and Stock-breeder fifty-fifty claim a mention in Animal Farm: 'Snowball had fabricated a close written report of some back numbers… which he had found in the farmhouse, and was full of plans for innovations and improvements.'

Pigs, all the same, were a footstep besides far for Orwell. Although Eileen would sign messages with her nickname, 'Sus scrofa', Orwell's fondness for livestock didn't extend to the stocky-bodied omnivores. 'He writes from Jura something along the lines of, "Pigs are disgusting brutes. We're really looking forward to this one going to the butcher",' notes Mr Taylor.

Indeed, although specific evidence linking Orwell closely to larger livestock types before Fauna Subcontract is spartan, plenty exists after his arrival at Barnhill on Jura. 'Barnhill was substantially a farm and, eventually, we had alive-stock there: chickens, sheep (not many) and a few cows, ane of which was tested in order to give TB-free milk,' Mr Blair recalls.

Eric Arthur Blair, aka British writer George Orwell (1903 – 1950), pictured hither in 1945. Photograph by Hulton Archive/Getty Images

The belatedly John Hammond waxes lyrical in A George Orwell Companion: A Guide to the Novels, Documentaries and Essays about the 'skilful fashion' in which Orwell renders fauna portraits in Animal Subcontract:

'It is a book that could merely take been written by an writer who liked animals and understood their ways and foibles. Orwell clearly sympathises with the animals at each stage of their experiences: this empathy, this power to reach inside their minds and describe their thoughts and emotions, equally if from the inside, is one of the almost attractive features of the story and is 1 of the many reasons why the satire is so successful. A story in which the animals were merely caricatures without individual traits would non accept been almost so effective.'

Who'south who in Animal Farm: the animals' alter egos

The pigs

  • Napoleon (tyrannical rebellion leader): Joseph Stalin
  • Snowball (eloquent and intelligent, afterwards scapegoat for the ills on Animal Farm): Leon Trotsky
  • One-time Major (wise and clear, the initial inspiration for rebellion): Vladimir Lenin or Karl Marx
  • Squealer (manipulative, Napoleon'southward mouthpiece): Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin's head of communications and propaganda

The horses

  • Boxer (loyal 18hh workhorse): Russian federation's working classes
  • Mollie (shallow, materialistic, pulls a carriage): the conservative middle classes
  • Clover (a motherly mare): the women of the revolution

The others

  • The sheep: an acquiescent population
  • The goat, Muriel: the educated working classes
  • The donkey, Benjamin (insightful and cynical about the revolution): Orwell himself?

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